Most Mothers will ask themselves this question at least once. Most Mothers can also feel comfortable knowing that it’s just a thought and more than likely will not happen. So your questions will go back to the dreams you have for your children. Will they excel at school? What career path will they take? Who will they marry? Will they have 2 kids or 3?
I’m not so lucky. I will die with a dependent child. He wont be earning money or have a family of his own. He will still be completely dependent on me, his Mummy.
As I tuck my children in bed, I wonder what will happen to them, when my time arrives. I worry about who will look after them. Who will make my sons lunch. Who will change his nappy. I hope they stay together, I hope they stay close and most of all I dream of a happy easy life for them. I am a single mum and I wonder how my children will cope without me.
These are my biggest fears. Not because I’m terminally ill. Actually I’m fairly healthy (expect for the random stress attack), I expect to pass away of old age.
So why do I think so differently to my most mum’s? Because I am a special needs Mum.
My son Billy, was born with multiple congenial abnormalities, a life threatening medical condition and was diagnosed with severe Autism at 4 years old. He is 9 years old now and has high support needs, which means I support Billy in pretty much every daily task you and I do naturally.
My daughter Sienna, is 7 years old. She is my best friend and completely full of life. I am a single mum and as autism keeps us fairly housebound, I spend all my time with Sienna.
I worry about her. I wonder if she will care for Billy when I die. I feel guilt because part of me wants her to. I feel helpless and defeated because I don’t want her to live a hard life looking after Billy. Then I feel it all over again for him.
I know I’m not alone. All special needs parents have the same unspoken fear.
So how do we overcome our fear? What can we do to work towards a brighter future for our children?
Well one thing I do know is, creating a brighter future for my children is up to me!
Yes I am a carer. Yes that means its harder for me to be apart of traditional paid employment. But it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
The world we live in is digital. I mean we can make friends online, read a book online, we can even poke someone without ever meeting them!
Mummy entrepreneurs are popping up everywhere. And some are rolling in it. They have taken their challenges, used the tools widely available, added in a little creative thinking and a whole lot of determination to create a new way to work and play with our kids at the same time.
So I ask myself, can carer’s do the same thing? Yes we can!
Thanks to the wonderful World Wide Web, we can study and work from home. Who else feels as though they have been handed a map to the buried treasure? I do…..
But be warned, you are only ever handed the map. It is completely up to you to keep your ship afloat, to manage your crew and fight the chaotic sea’s as you make your journey to securing a brighter future for your children.
As they say it’s not the destination but the journey that’s important. But remember a fruitful journey will also make it so much easier and satisfying once you reach your destination.
So now you are aware of the tools available, you will need a business idea. A passion that will keep you motivated and determined to succeed.
What are you waiting for? Start thinking today!