What’s noisy, confronting and sometimes… umm… not fun at all? The dreaded play centre! There I said it. If you have a child with special needs, no doubt you’ll know what I mean. But guess what?
What’s noisy, confronting and sometimes… umm… not fun at all? The dreaded play centre! There I said it. If you have a child with special needs, no doubt you’ll know what I mean. But guess what?
How many times have you heard a special needs parent say the next line? “My family & friends just don’t understand” I have said it, plenty of times. Have you?
It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to! I love that song! Little did I know that I would relive the words every year after I had my first child Billy. As most parents that have special needs children would know, birthdays can be…..well let’s just say challenging.